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Gradski Transport EAD – Varna, reminds all interested persons who travel by public transport on the territory of the Municipality of Varna, with children from 0 to 7 years of age, that they are obliged to present a transport document of the children, which is issued according to the REGULATION № 2 OF 31 MARCH 2006 of the Ministry of Finance, in the order described as follows:

Art. 17а. (New- SG, No. 8 of 2013) (1) Children up to 7 years of age shall travel in the public urban transport in the country with a free travel card issued in a form approved by the order of the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications.

(2) The cards referred to in par. (1) shall include the holder’s name, without a photograph. They are issued upon presentation of a copy of the birth certificate and the parent’s/guardian’s identification document certifying the child’s age and the parent’s/guardian’s permanent address.

(4) The card shall be issued throughout the year with a validity period of one year from the date of issue, and where the child reaches the age of 7 years during that period – until the child reaches the age of majority. A lost or destroyed card may be replaced once during the year with a duplicate.

(5) A special register shall be kept of the subscription cards issued, containing the name and date of birth of the child, the number of the birth certificate, the municipality of residence of the parent/guardian, the date and number of the card issued and the signature of the parent/guardian to be affixed to the register upon receipt of the subscription card.

The cards can be requested at the Ticket Centre and in the administrative building of Gradski Transport EAD, Information about the opening hours can be obtained on the website, from the drop-down menu in the “points and prices” section.

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City Transport Varna

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